What we’re doing to keep you and ourselves safe

With the situation of COVID-19 ever evolving and transitioning to a more endemic state, we find it necessary to update our policies accordingly. Below you will see the current measures that Core Strong Physical Therapy has implemented while remaining open during this pandemic, including a secure telehealth option for individuals who wish to complete their treatment remotely. Please note, telehealth options are not available for an initial evaluation.

Face coverings are required

As of February 2022, the CDC has lifted the indoor mask mandate in our local area. As a result, patients are no longer required to wear masks during sessions. If you choose to wear a mask and would like your provider to wear a mask, we are happy to accommodate your request.

Screening procedures

Please perform a self screen at home prior to attending your visit. If you are feeling unwell or have reason to suspect you might be carrying a virus that is asymptomatic, please take appropriate precautions.

Upon arrival at the clinic, please remain in your car until your appointment time to ensure the clinic has been sanitized and you are able to enter the facility.

Visitor limitation 

We are no longer limiting visitors to patients sessions as long as the visitor is not actively ill.

If you feel you would benefit from having a spouse present for you session, feel free to bring them.

We do allow children to accompany their parents, when childcare is unavailable, to ensure that the parent is able to receive their treatments in a timely manner.

As always, nursing children are always welcome in sessions to accommodate feeding needs if the parent wishes to bring them.  

Clinic cleaning

All surfaces touched by the patient and physical therapist will be cleaned before and after each visit to ensure no cross-contamination from one patient to another. Hand washing will also occur on the part of the physical therapist before and after each visit.  A private bathroom is located within the treatment room allowing for easy access to hand washing with soap and water for both the patient and physical therapist and hand sanitizer is available for patient and clinician use throughout the clinic.

If you are someone who is considered to be high risk for COVID-19 (65 years of age or older, cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, immunocompromised state, obesity, serious heart conditions, sickle cell disease, or type II diabetes) please know that we are taking exceptional care in ensuring your safety. Please contact the clinic with further questions regarding our COVID-19 policy if you have any doubts about your safety in attending our clinic.